Saturday, March 3, 2012

Metrics & Benchmarking Info

Let's get serious for a second. When we say that we are going to put together some metrics and benchmarking of our dishes of interest, we mean it. Seriously.

After putting together the spreadsheet, which will hold our discerning data, and adding our first (2) ratings (postings will be up shortly) -- the panorama of the raw data and spreadsheet organization looks like this:

"Woah...the data, which I can't really see in the picture, looks pretty serious". This is a statement you might find yourself making. Are you wondering what data we are collecting? Well, we've got clarity and transparency here at Mac 'N Cheesesteak PDX! Below is the breakdown on what we have chosen to rank for each dish on a 1-5 scale (5 being the highest).

To read more, go to the Metrics & Benchmarking page.

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